Sunday, July 22, 2012


This weekend, we had the privilege of ministering to the 1st-4th grade students who attend Lakewood Church! This month's Kidslife core virtue was Love and the bottom line was that we love others by putting them first! Under the direction of Farand Scott, The F-Troop took on the task of putting Love in the spotlight. 

The piece opened with the Credible and Comic host played by Barbara Johnson and Grace Fuhrman respectively. Barbara struggled to keep things in order but determined "to put everyone first" Grace proceeded to sing and perform several disruptive antics.  Next, Kathy Bonner and Jeanicia Elder took the stage Mrs. F and Sam. Ms. F had won prize money for her tomatoes; the prize amount matched the financial need that Sam and her family had.Through a bit of situation comedy Kathy and Jeanicia got the message across that if you have what someone else needs it isn't a coincidence; that person was placed in your life for a reason and you should put that person first! The final piece of the sketch featured Holly Dacke as the clueless detective "Sam Shoval" who set out to investigate James and John, played by  David Bowman and Schubert Huang. The exchange focused on Mark 10:35-45. Both disciples asked to be at Jesus' right and left hand. Jesus told them that anyone who wants to be great must be a servant.

When asked by the Ministry Leader how the drama ministry did, Mission Control responded with a resounding "Fantastic". As one child left she remarked that the drama team did, "a really good job".

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