In theater, an understudy is a performer who learns the lines and blocking/choreography of a regular actor or actress in a play. Should the regular actor or actress be unable to appear on stage because of illness or emergencies, the understudy takes over the part. This week in children's ministry (Kidslife at Lakewood) two "regular actors" fell ill and were unable to appear on stage causing 2 understudies to take center stage.

The characters included a prim and proper credible host, Grace, and her comical assistant "The Grace Whisperer" . They warmed up the audience for the sketch which included a nervous Gordo, played by Javier Frutos, too scared to show determination in the "Science Fair Dance-Off" and his friend, played by David Pineda, determined to stick with him in his time of need. The final character in the sketch was the chameleon, Marlaina Smith as the Science Fair master of ceremonies!
Breaking up the sketch was the Good Book Look which focused on the story of Ruth. Ruth is interviewed by “Fancy Grace”, played by understudy Jeanicia Elder. Just like Nancy Grace, Fancy discusses issues from what she calls a victims' rights standpoint, with an outspoken style. The victim according to Fancy is Naomi but Boaz, played by understudy David Bowman, arrives on the scene to debunk the accusation.
In the end the kids responded well to the presentation. They were engaged, entertained, and enlightened. The understudies and everyone involved broke their legs FIGURATIVELY of course! Until next blog, follow the Backstage Pass to see where we are ministering next!